Movie Review : WALKING WITH DINOSAURS (Rizky Putri Jasmine)

on Saturday, February 4, 2012

Walking With Dinosaurs is a project movie about Dinosaurs. In this movie, tell about 152.000.000 BC in where a group of Diplodocus proliferate and defensive life.
Diplodocus one of Dinosaurs type Ovipar. Therefore, Diplodocus proliferate with spawn. Diplodocus digging up earth and graves its they eggs over there, that most dodge of predator. And then, they leave their eggs until its eggs hatch and follow their ‘insting’ to come on its folk again. Are not looked humanity care in here. They at teach for independent.

But, although they have at grave in the earth. But doesn't impossible predator can't eat them. predator knows while little Diplodocus hatches. And in the end, while is they are outward of the earth constant utterly they won't felicitate. Little Diplodocus that safe, will be a group for defensive living. and if predator knows their existence. They will be kept quiet as statue to sneak off.

Adult Diplodocus makes a abode to shoal and makes congruity with other dinosaurs, As Brachiosaurus and Stegosaurus. Their body also evoke mutualisme's symbiosis with little insects. Don't forget their filth that as food Beetle.

On wed season, Manly diplodocus find for its couple. Even, they are fight to play off Diplodocus female their wants. They mutually punch by head and their length jugular. Make severally little vibration on earths. Until one of their gives up and going.

And in the end, when Allosaurus (One of type big predator) attack they and made either one they bleed. Diplodocus folks runs to save their self. But, one of Adult Diplodocus (is little Diplodocus mother’s) helping with punched Allosaurus with its elongated tail to protect its child.


Seisep said...

Got many knowledge from that film right?


Seisep said...

yeah, I can remember some dinosaurs again...


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