Reflection February 1st 2012 (Dissy Lizara Diana)

on Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Today Mrs. Anni teach us again!! Yeay.. because in last Wednesday and Friday she didn’t teach us. Why? Cause she went to Thailand with some teachers and some students.

She teach us about adjective words, we learned it from video. There’s a part when there’s a man and a woman in the quiz, then they have to answer opposite words of  what-the presenter-say. If their answer is true, they’ll get $100. It’s really ridiculous. I mean, how come we get money so easy like that?  That’s really ridiculous.
 Then she divided us in to 16 groups. My partner is Annisa Nurul Mutmainah. We describe about our classroom. We are the first who finished it. Then we went back to language laboratory to changed it in to descriptive text.

Then, Mrs. Anni divided us into 3 major group. It’s divided by absent. Each group have to describing something. And so:
Group 1 describe about animal
Group 2 describe about someone
Group 3 describe about place


Seisep said...

Agree with you, the video is ridiculous -_-
-Elita Jeni M.G

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