reflection, M.FAJAR ERIANDI (26)

on Monday, May 21, 2012
march ,22 ,2012

hi friend ,today we learn in ,language lab ,today ,each person of us ,must describe ,place ,people animal etc

and my friend come forward one by one ,like aldi ,he describe about animal ,he describe cheetah or ?? something something ,i forget ,and then jeni ,wira ,bagus and nita ....

and next week ,it will be my turn to describe ,im verry confused ,because i dont know ,what place that i want to describe :(((


Seisep said...

haha yeah today i must describe about my house , emm maybe you do not hear what i tell when i'm read my text -_- yeah i feel confused too when i must describe my place hehe , fighting ajayy !!!! (NITA R A 27)

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